Gedicht van de Dag πŸ’­ Archief πŸ“‚

poetic blue sky white clouds
Regenachtige dag β›ˆοΈ
    Wake with the sounds of thunder,
    vibrating all the way to the core.

    Grey clouds passing overhead,
    rain drops dancing on lotus leaves.

    Bundle up, make a fire,
    cook a soup, sew a shirt.

    Remember to take it slow,
    let the rain wash our minds anew.

Zonnig πŸŒ„
    The forest floor so ferny,
    laying amidst is a bunny.

    Thought he's my friend Jenny,
    the resemblence is uncanny!

    It's a beautiful day honey!
    Sun on our skin so shiny.

    Have some rice and tahini,
    don't forget about the zuchini.

    Days like this may not be many,
    do enjoy it if there is any :)

    Life is but a journey,
    it's sunny, so let's take a walk with granny.

Katje 😺
cute kitty
    Meow meow,
    meow meow meow,
    meow meow meow meow meow.

    Meow meow?
    Meow meow meow!

    Yes, I'm a cat person,

Verloren πŸŒƒ
city skyline in the night
    Big grey world of concrete,
    expanding beyond my sight.
    Ice cold marble underneath my feet.

    We are building a better world they say,
    murdering trees & stripping the soil bare,
    don't let my ears forget the sound of silence I pray.

    How lucky am I to live in this city of light!
    Shining so bright, giving me life,
    and never to sleep in the darkness of the night.

    Who still remember the simple life?
    When we rose with the sun in the dawn,
    bathed in gentle moonlight in the eve?

    I can feel it deep within me,
    that that is how it's all meant to be.

Ochtend πŸŒ…
morning sun through window
    Morning dew gives birth to the dawn,
    a brand new day, say 'hi' to the sun.

    Monkeys wake up from their doze,
    kisses & cuddles for their loves.

    Birdies chirping songs of joy,
    crickets join in - it's a symphony oh boy!

    Mr. Echidna crawls out of his den,
    do a little stretch, get some inner zen.

    Let's share a piece of fruit my friend,
    banana, dragon fruit, what would you like?

Draak πŸ‰
red dragon fruit and white dragon fruit closeup
    Dance in the air,
    Dream through the night.

    White dragon fruit,
    Red dragon fruit,
    Bite the juicy fruit,
    Poop a pinky poop πŸ˜€

Meta πŸ’›
monkey sitting on the forest floor
    Good morning monkeys, what's the plan for the day?
    Getting on a speedy worm beaming through the clay.

    Head in the cloud, hungry for some dough.
    For crying out loud! Your forest is in a drought!

    Pink pill, purple pill, antidepression pill.
    Don't care which colour just give me the damn bill.

    Oi hands off those chemicals they will eff you up!
    Life off the ground gets tough, i know, but just go take a nap.

    Break away the concrete, let the weeds grow.
    θ€ε€©ηˆΊ (Old sky grandpa) cries storms, the rivers will again flow.

    Hey you, my monkey friend, look at the sky.
    Put your hairy feet in the soil and blijf altijd blij (stay forever happy)πŸ’

poetic blue sky white clouds continued